
The Best Guide to Phnom Penh

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Phnom Penh Average Weather, Rainfall & Temperature

The following weather charts display the monthly average weather conditions for Phnom Penh. The first weather graph displays the average day time maximum temperature and average number of wet days per month. The second Phnom Penh weather chart displays the average day time and night time temperature in both centigrade and Fahrenheit. The third chart details the number of wet days and the amount of rainfall per month that Phnom Penh experiences.

Average Weather for Phnom Penh

Phnom Penh Weather

Average Weather Conditions for Phnom Penh

Phnom Penh Maximum and Minimum Temperature

Phnom Penh Temperature

Phnom Penh Temperature Chart in Centigrade and Fahrenheit

Rainfall for Phnom Penh

Phnom Penh rainfall rain

Average number of wet days for Phnom Penh compared against rainfall


The best Guide to Phnom Penh

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How long?

how long to spend in Phnom Penh

How long to plan a visit
to Phnom Penh for?

Tuol Sleng

Tuol Sleng s21 prison

The harrowing Security
Prison 21 Museum

When to Visit?

Phnom Penh When to Visit

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of year to visit?

Fast Ferry

Fast Ferry Phnom Penh

The only way to travel
to Phnom from Siem

Need a Hotel?

Need a Hotel?

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at the lowest prices!

Killing Fields

killing fields Phnom Penh

Moving mass graves
of the Khmer Rouge

Phsar Market

Phsar Market

The art-deco central
market of the city

Silver Pagoda

silver pagoda Phnom Penh

The grandest of the
capital's Pagodas

How long?

how long to spend in Phnom Penh

How long to plan a visit
to Phnom Penh for?

Tuol Sleng

Tuol Sleng s21 prison

The harrowing Security
Prison 21 Museum

When to Visit?

Phnom Penh When to Visit

When is the best time
of year to visit?

Fast Ferry

Fast Ferry Phnom Penh

The only way to travel
to Phnom from Siem

Need a Hotel?

Need a Hotel?

Find the best hotels
at the lowest prices!

Killing Fields

killing fields Phnom Penh

Moving mass graves
of the Khmer Rouge

Phsar Market

Phsar Market

The art-deco central
market of the city

Silver Pagoda

silver pagoda Phnom Penh

The grandest of the
capital's Pagodas